Current Volunteer Opportunities
- Skilled Volunteer/Pro Bono Consulting Projects. Lend a hand with a specific high-priority project. Let us know your skillset and we’ll match you with a current project need! Candidates for board service also considered.
- Help out in an AWE Classroom. Get creative in one of the 40 AWE classrooms throughout the Bay Area. Volunteers will assist Artist Instructors and Elder Artists as needed. Orientation and training required. Classes are held weekday mornings and afternoons.
- Annual Exhibit & Opening Reception. Every year AWE puts together a juried art exhibit, with hundreds of submissions and over 100 selected works. Help us make sure the featured artists are warmly welcomed and fully accommodated at our big party. (Annually in October).
- Biographies & Photography. Each artist featured in our annual exhibit is interviewed, so that we can learn more about them, their story, and their work. Biographical sketches are done by our Life Stories Team and a high quality black and white photo are included with each original work. If you’d like to connect your creative medium with AWE, we’d love to hear from you. *See detail below.
- Host a supply drive. Every artist needs tools – paper, canvas, brushes, paint, etc. Partner up with your local art store and host a supply drive for low-income AWE participants.
- AWE Ambassadors. Help us spread the word about AWE by attending festive community events with other volunteers!
Email us at: [email protected] with “Volunteer” in the subject line and tell us what you’re interested in.
Help bridge the digital divide! Our friends at Community Tech Network are looking for volunteers to provide digital tutoring to older adults at computer labs across San Francisco. If you have basic computer skills and are interested in helping others become confident with connecting with others digitally, navigating on the internet, accessing healthcare resources, ordering necessities such as groceries, and feeling safe online, then please visit CommunityTechNetwork.org/volunteer and submit an application to volunteer.